Magento 1.9 – Adding Static Blocks to Sitemap Page


The Sitemap page in Magento 1.9 is by default one column layout.
I changed it to a 3 columns layout by adding this to local.xml:

    <reference name="root">
        <action method="setTemplate"><template>page/3columns.phtml</template></action>

It works, however both left and right sidebar are empty and don't show the static blocks in them.
I found that in catalog.xml these are removed by default:

<catalog_seo_sitemap translate="label">
        <label>Catalog Seo Sitemap (Common)</label>
        <remove name="right"/>
        <remove name="left"/>

Now to bring them back I could:

  1. Comment above code out in catalgo.xml. But I don't want to change Magento core files.
  2. I could use Alan Storm's unremove plugin. Maybe, but I don't like to install too many plugins.

Now my qeuestion:

Is there any way to unrmove right and left for sitemap using the local.xml ?


Best Answer

My recommendation would be

Copy catalog.xml to local theme layout folder (/app/design/frontend/default/{theme}/layout/catalog.xml)

Then delete

<catalog_seo_sitemap translate="label">
        <label>Catalog Seo Sitemap (Common)</label>
        <remove name="right"/>
        <remove name="left"/>
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