Magento 1 – Show Admin Config Field Depending on Selected Multiselect Values


I want to display fields based on selected multiselect input … following code just works, if only one value is selected. If I select more then one value it shows only one field (first selected from source model)


<!-- this gives three options - shop, ebay, amazon -->

Related code:


 * Add misc configuration options to the javascript dependencies controller
 * @param array $options
 * @return Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Widget_Form_Element_Dependence
public function addConfigOptions(array $options)
    $this->_configOptions = array_merge($this->_configOptions, $options);
    return $this;

 * HTML output getter
 * @return string
protected function _toHtml()
    if (!$this->_depends) {
        return '';
    return '<script type="text/javascript"> new FormElementDependenceController('
        . $this->_getDependsJson()
        . ($this->_configOptions ? ', ' . Mage::helper('core')->jsonEncode($this->_configOptions) : '')
        . '); </script>';

 * Field dependences JSON map generator
 * @return string
protected function _getDependsJson()
    $result = array();
    foreach ($this->_depends as $to => $row) {
        foreach ($row as $from => $value) {
            $result[$this->_fields[$to]][$this->_fields[$from]] = $value;
    return Mage::helper('core')->jsonEncode($result);


 * Observer that watches for dependent form elements
 * If an element depends on 1 or more of other elements, it should show up only when all of them gain specified values
FormElementDependenceController = Class.create();
FormElementDependenceController.prototype = {
     * Structure of elements: {
     *     'id_of_dependent_element' : {
     *         'id_of_master_element_1' : 'reference_value',
     *         'id_of_master_element_2' : 'reference_value'
     *         'id_of_master_element_3' : ['reference_value1', 'reference_value2']
     *         ...
     *     }
     * }
     * @param object elementsMap
     * @param object config
    initialize : function (elementsMap, config)
        if (config) {
            this._config = config;
        for (var idTo in elementsMap) {
            for (var idFrom in elementsMap[idTo]) {
                if ($(idFrom)) {
                    Event.observe($(idFrom), 'change', this.trackChange.bindAsEventListener(this, idTo, elementsMap[idTo]));
                    this.trackChange(null, idTo, elementsMap[idTo]);
                } else {
                    this.trackChange(null, idTo, elementsMap[idTo]);

     * Misc. config options
     * Keys are underscored intentionally
    _config : {
        levels_up : 1 // how many levels up to travel when toggling element

     * Define whether target element should be toggled and show/hide its row
     * @param object e - event
     * @param string idTo - id of target element
     * @param valuesFrom - ids of master elements and reference values
     * @return
    trackChange : function(e, idTo, valuesFrom)
        if (!$(idTo)) {

        // define whether the target should show up
        var shouldShowUp = true;
        for (var idFrom in valuesFrom) {
            var from = $(idFrom);
            if (valuesFrom[idFrom] instanceof Array) {
                if (!from || valuesFrom[idFrom].indexOf(from.value) == -1) {
                    shouldShowUp = false;
            } else {
                if (!from || from.value != valuesFrom[idFrom]) {
                    shouldShowUp = false;

        // toggle target row
        if (shouldShowUp) {
            var currentConfig = this._config;
            $(idTo).up(this._config.levels_up).select('input', 'select', 'td').each(function (item) {
                // don't touch hidden inputs (and Use Default inputs too), bc they may have custom logic
                if ((!item.type || item.type != 'hidden') && !($('_inherit') && $('_inherit').checked)
                    && !(currentConfig.can_edit_price != undefined && !currentConfig.can_edit_price)) {
                    item.disabled = false;
        } else {
            $(idTo).up(this._config.levels_up).select('input', 'select', 'td').each(function (item){
                // don't touch hidden inputs (and Use Default inputs too), bc they may have custom logic
                if ((!item.type || item.type != 'hidden') && !($('_inherit') && $('_inherit').checked)) {
                    item.disabled = true;

Best Answer

Reason for The Issue

The issue you are facing is related to Javascript functionality for getting value of a multiselect attribute.

Magento's dependable fields are based on Javascript. They creates a JSON with all fields and dependable fields values like below.

array (size=2)
  'brandlogo_general_pushonhover' => 
    array (size=2)
      'brandlogo_general_brandlogoenabled' => string '1' (length=1)
      'brandlogo_general_enableautoslide' => string '4' (length=1)
  'brandlogo_general_pager' => 
    array (size=2)
      'brandlogo_general_brandlogoenabled' => string '1' (length=1)
      'brandlogo_general_enableautoslide' => string '10' (length=4)

When you select an option from multiselect attribute, it returns only first selected value.

document.getElementById('demoSel').onchange = function(e) {

Check this fiddle

Even if you select multiple options, you will always get first selected option value.

Solution for The Issue

You need to update your JS file form.js to achieve what you want.

First you have to add a new function which will get you all selected values of a Multiselect instead of only single value.

Add a new function in your form.js

getSelectValues : function(select) {
    var result = [];
    var options = select && select.options;
    var opt;
    for (var i=0, iLen=options.length; i<iLen; i++) {
        opt = options[i];
        if (opt.selected) {
    return result;

Now use these values to check with your trackChange function in the same file. Replace below code

for (var idFrom in valuesFrom) {
    var from = $(idFrom);
    if (valuesFrom[idFrom] instanceof Array) {
        if (!from || valuesFrom[idFrom].indexOf(from.value) == -1) {
            shouldShowUp = false;
    } else {
        if (!from || from.value != valuesFrom[idFrom]) {
            shouldShowUp = false;

With this code

for (var idFrom in valuesFrom) {
    var from = $(idFrom);
    if (from.tagName === 'SELECT' && from.className.indexOf('multiselect') > -1) {
        var elementValues = this.getSelectValues(from);
        if (!from || elementValues.indexOf(valuesFrom[idFrom]) <= -1) {
            shouldShowUp = false;
     } else {
        if (valuesFrom[idFrom] instanceof Array) {
            if (!from || valuesFrom[idFrom].indexOf(from.value) == -1) {
                shouldShowUp = false;
        } else {
            if (!from || from.value != valuesFrom[idFrom]) {
                shouldShowUp = false;

And it should work for you.