Admin Grid Massaction Checkboxes Default Checked – How to Set Action


Just like the question keep the checkboxes of mass action checked for some items, by default, but I simply want all checkboxes checked by default, plus a default mass-action is selected on first landing.

E.g. a landing grid page:

Should I just use JS to select them? Or need to go through all backend PHP for it?!?

Best Answer

You can have a selected mass action by default by defining it in your grid block like this:

   $this->getMassactionBlock()->addItem('mass_action_code_here', array(
        'label'    => Mage::helper('helper_name_here')->__('Label here'),
        'url'      => $this->getUrl('*/*/urlHere'),
        'selected' => true, //This is what you need

And you can select all the checkboxes by default like this.

Add a method called _prepareMassactionColumn in your grid block with this content.

protected function _prepareMassactionColumn()
    $ids = Mage::getModel('your_model/alias_here')->getCollection()->getAllIds();
    return $this;