Magento – Admin URL and DB config for development area


I recently created a Development/Staging copy of my site/database and everything seems to be working correctly on the front end. So when I visit I am able to browse my store and it stays on

But when I try to login/access the admin area at it keeps redirecting me to

I updated my core_config_data table in the Dev DB for both secure and insecure url's to I know that the front end is using the dev DB because I update my local.xml.

I can actually access… but i have to manually change the URL in the address bar. When I click around the admin area it always sends me back to www

I am also noticing that in the Dev Admin when i navigate to System>Configuration>Web>Base URL it is still showing which is leading me to believe that the Dev admin area is still using the Production DB and not the Dev DB.

Is there some sort of caching or setting(s) that I am not aware of?

Please help. Thanks.

Best Answer

Resolved. Since Im using a multi-store setup, it seems it was an issue with my HTACCESS along with the Secure URL in core_config_data. I had to set my Secure Base URL to http since my certificate does not support the domain. Here are my new settings

Development/Staging Site


SetEnvIf Host dev\.mysite\.com MAGE_RUN_CODE=mysite_com
SetEnvIf Host dev\.mysite\.com MAGE_RUN_TYPE=website

DATABASE core_config_data

web/unsecure/base_url =
web/secure/base_url =
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