Magento – Adminhtml form date input type default format wrong


I've managed to create an Adminhtml form extending \Magento\Backend\Block\Widget\Form\Generic.
I've added each field inside _prepareForm() method using $fieldset->addField() method.
One of the fields is

                 'name' => 'birthdate',
                 'label' => __('Birthdate'),
                 'title' => __('Birthdate'),
                 'required' => true,
                 'class' => '',
                 'singleClick'=> true,
                //'format' =>$this->_localeDate->getDateFormat(\IntlDateFormatter::LONG)

Now… neither formats is taken into account when the form is populated (editing a record). The default value that is read from DB is 1995-12-12.
but the form displays Tuesday, December 12, 1995 at 12:00:00 AM Eastern European Standard Time. When I'm setting the date from the calendar, the format is the desired one.

How can I specify the form to load the data with proper format?

Best Answer

For correct date's output use date_format property

             'name' => 'birthdate',
             'label' => __('Birthdate'),
             'title' => __('Birthdate'),
             'required' => true,
             'class' => '',
             'singleClick'=> true,
             'date_format' => 'yyyy-MM-dd', **//Like this one**
            //'format' =>$this->_localeDate->getDateFormat(\IntlDateFormatter::LONG)
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