Magento – After Importing Products, Products are not editable and also not visible


its me again. My question was not solved yesterday after working a lot of hours figuring it out i could import products without errors. But the new error now is, those imported products are shown under it's subcategory but i can't access it and in the frontend it shows only for the category how much products are in there but none is visible.

Backend View:
Admin Backend in the Categorysection:

Frontend View:
Category in the Frontend:

Import without error:

Import without error:

In the Backend under Manage Products there is no product of the imported ones visible.
What should i do?

Best Answer

I've found the solution. I took the link of a not shown product guided by this:

If your products are showing in the database, so try to do the following:

Go to catalog -> manage products. Your current url will look like:


Change this url to []/index.php/admin/catalog_product/edit/id/[product_id]/key/[your_key]/

You can find the product ids in the database. When you enter this url, you can edit the product and check/edit product attributes, like tax class, status, etc. After that you can check which values are not filled and in this way you can clearly see all little mistakes by the Values in the CSV.

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