Configurable Product – Options Not Displaying After Upgrade to 1.9


I upgraded from 1.7 to 1.9, and the drop down menu to select a shirt size is not showing on the product view page. I've disabled all extensions and set the site the default theme/package, and it still does not show. I've traced it back to the following line of code in gear/app/design/frontend/base/default/template/catalog/product/view/options.phtml

$_options = Mage::helper('core')->decorateArray($this->getOptions())

Basically $this->getOptions is returning an empty array. I can't figure out why. Has anyone experienced something similar? Bundle products work, I can choose options there, its just Configurable products that are not working.

enter image description here

Best Answer

Finally figured it out. Turns out it was an issue due to a block override in local.xml that I added for a new feature I'm working on in a different code branch, however, local.xml is ignored by Git, so the change persisted across all my branches, even my upgrade branch.
