Magento – AJAX Add To Cart


Wondering what modules are out there for an AJAX add to cart / my cart feature. From a quick google search, I'm not in love with the UI of most of the extensions that I'm finding.

The UI / functionality that I'm interested actually seems super simple. Maybe I'm not thinking of some features, but basically it's simply:

  • Take the My Cart page and pop it in a modal when they click Add To Cart
  • But remove the coupon / shipping options b/c that would be overkill.

I like how Gilt does it.

Gilt My Cart

Any good modules out there that I'm missing? If not I may just build this – it seems like all I need to do is re-use the block on the My Cart page, and just pop it inside of a modal, and call it a day.

Best Answer

I have used a few:

Aheadworks Ajax Cart Pro:

Which works really well. You can see it in action on

Amasty Ajax Cart:

Works pretty well, too. Big upside on this one is the javascript is entirely Prototype-based. No duplicated jQuery dependency to worry about.

But - don't be afraid to roll your own! It's not so difficult:

  • The controller action needs to rewrite Mage_Checkout_CartController, specifically the addAction -- better yet, use a postdispatch event observer.
  • The UI modal components for the success message are always on the page, so your ajax callback really only needs a true or false to display the appropriate message.
  • Don't forget to provide support for related products (which can be added in tandem) and for various product types: simple, configurable, bundle. Don't forget grouped or downloadable, either. Everyone forget those :(

Best of luck!