Magento – All indexing are stuck at `processing`


I am using CE all indexes stuck at processing since 24 hours. When try to do indexing manually throw an error:

xxx Index process is working now. Please try run this process later

As per
I always use SSH to do indexing. I deleted all files under \var\locks, DIR permission is 777 But when tried indexing one by one then throws same error and locks files regenerate again.

Please tell how to fix this?

Best Answer

I solved this problem by executing the following steps:

1. Recreate each index individually executing shell commands:

php shell/indexer.php -reindex catalog_product_attribute

php shell/indexer.php -reindex catalogsearch_fulltext

php shell/indexer.php -reindex catalog_category_flat

php shell/indexer.php -reindex cataloginventory_stock

php shell/indexer.php -reindex catalog_category_product

php shell/indexer.php -reindex catalog_product_price

php shell/indexer.php -reindex tag_summary

php shell/indexer.php -reindex catalog_url

2. Clear all files inside of var/locks/ directory

3. Apply 777 permission to var/locks/

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