Magento – APC + Compilation shows 500 internal server error on cart page


We are using APC with compilation in one of our project, magento version is only FPC extension is installed in it.

At front-end all pages are working fine but Checkout & cart page shows 500 internal server error.

We checked error_log of server. It shows me below errors

(104)Connection reset by peer: mod_fcgid: error reading data from FastCGI server  
Premature end of script headers:index.php

Is there any way to resolve such issue.

Best Answer

Hesitant to comment on this as I have no proof to provide you. However.

Given that you say you are currently using APC with your PHP , i sugest you disable the magento compilation all together.

In my tests Enabling the magento compilation actually slows performance when you are already using APC or another accelerator.

Take page speed measurements before and after disabling compile, you might find it does nothing at all to your performance or that it even hurts it.

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