Magento 1.9 – /app/etc/local.xml Not Working


I have a client's website in magento Am trying to edit database details and admin custom url in app/etc/local.xml but no changes reflecting.

when I do research for this, they asking for clean the cache, and check if any extra xml file exist in app/etc folder.

So I have deleted cache in var/cache, var/session folder. var/tmp folder is also empty.
and in app/etc folder, here is no extra xml file.

Is there any way to know which file is loading as local.xml means where from database details coming.

Please help me. Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

  • Make sure you are in correct root directory .
  • Check the website url , magerun config:get web/ (if you dont have magerun go to 'core_config_data' table in db and find the path web/secure/base_url , make sure it has a '/' in the end )
  • Flush magento cache from admin
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