Magento – Apply discount if 2 of the different item from a category are added


I'm looking to build the following Shopping Cart Rule and I have no idea how to do it.
I have multiple sku available, if you add 2 different sku in your cart from the same category, you get 10% off. It can be any combination of sku,any quantity , and the discount is only applied once.

Best Answer

I believe this configuration would work for you. You'll need to set your own categories, of course, but the format should work to qualify your discount for carts that contain 2 or more items from the target category(ies). enter image description here

Now, if you only want the discount to apply to those qualifying products (and not the whole cart), then you will need to build a similar construct in the "Actions" panel so that the discount will only apply to products in the cart that match your criteria.

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