Magento – Array to string conversion in Magento 2


enter image description here

Notice: Array to string conversion in
on line 2999 Magento 2 Version 2.2.2

How to solve???

Best Answer

To solve please do modification in below paths

Path : vendor/magento/framework/DB/Adapter/Pdo/Mysql.php
Under --> public function prepareColumnValue(array $column, $value)

Replace old code:

 case 'longtext':
    $value  = (string)$value;
    if ($column['NULLABLE'] && $value == '') {
        $value = null;

With new code:

case 'longtext':
    if(!is_array($value)) $value  = (string)$value;
    else $value = '';
    if ($column['NULLABLE'] && $value == '') {
        $value = null;

same error came to me now it solved

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