Magento – Article Bundle QTY


I've created a bundled product which contains only one bundle items witch a default QTY of 3 (so you buy 3 times the same item). I've set it up like this:

Now I want to use M2E Pro to list this item on eBay and it calculates the QTY based on the total quantity of the items. So if I have 3 bundle items it will also give me 3 bundled products – although this should only be one.

Where can I change the stock calculation for a bundled product? I've found out that Mage_Bundle_Model_Resource_Indexer_Stock uses the MIN aggregation on an SQL query but as I'm very new to Magento I don't know if this is the right file to change this behavior.

Also: If one bundle is sold – will it subtract 3 instances of the bundle item or just one?

Best Answer

But...This isn't a bundle.

Here's some reading on grouped versus bundle:

But for real, this is a sales rule, with minimum cart quantity and discount.

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