Magento 1.4 – Assign Customer Group to Payment Method


One of my customer came with a problem after he added a new customer group to his Magento store. Currently he has multiple groups and all are working fine. The only problem is when he tries to create a new order (from inside the back-end) and he selects the payment method where they get 3% discount, the discount isn't calculated into the final price.
If he does the same with a random different customer group (created years ago) the discount will be calculated correctly.

I've been searching for a configuration where we connected the two with each other. Unfortunate no results so far.

Hope someone run into this problem before.

Thanks for your time!

Best Answer

Check all the shopping cart price rules (Promotions > Shopping Cart Price Rules) that are conditioned by shipping and payment methods (under the Conditions tab). Inside those rules check the customer groups for which they can apply.

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