– Error Processing Order, Contact Support


I have two payment options set up in Magento

PayPal, and PayPal works fine. is throwing an error and I can't for the life of my figure it out. I been searching for DAYS.


After selecting and putting in the required information, I'm redirected to the next step of the OnePage checkout process ("ORDER REVIEW").

Upon clicking "Place Order" I get the following error message in a dialog box at the top of my browser:

"There was an error processing your order. Please contact us or try again."

What I do know:

  • is configured properly in the backend. API and Transaction Keys are all 100% correct. I've checked this 100 times over.

  • This problem is not being caused by something on's end. This is a Magento issue.

  • As far as I've tested, I've never been able to get passed this error. Having a registered account, checking out as a guest, etc. seems to have no affect.


I completely cleared the exception.log for a fresh file, and went through my checkout process again in an effort to debug the problem.

This is the first time I've ever tried debugging an issue through log files, so help here would be appreciated.


If anybody can provide any help with this, I would GREATLY appreciate it. You'll save me from gauging my eyes out too. I've been searching around for days on how to fix this problem and can't find anything that works. It's really important that I have this up and functional within the next day or so.

Best Answer

As you said, this is not an issue. I believe your error is occurring from Mage_Checkout_OnepageController::saveOrderAction(), where a generic Exception is thrown. You can inspect the method for the error message.

This could be due to many things, so it will require you to debug it. Check at each step within this method what kind of values are being passed around. My guess is for a common cause is that, if all of your settings are correct, you have customization that checks the payment data and throwing an exception.

You can take a look at from Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Payment::importData(), or whatever class is overriding this class and method, if any, for example, to debug the issue.


Upon examining your exception log, you'll see an entry of saveOrderAction() as I mentioned, and now I'm certain that's what's causing your order error. There's also a constraint violation error in there, but I'm going to assume you just copied and pasted your logs. On line 213 in the link, it says

2014-11-12T03:24:44+00:00 ERR (3): exception 'Mage_Core_Exception' with message 'Gateway error: (TESTMODE) The merchant login ID or password is invalid or the account is inactive.' in /home2/david/public_html/store/app/Mage.php:595

There you go; your credential is the problem. Two things I would check first.

  1. Check that "test mode" is off if you're on a sandbox account.

  2. Use instead of whatever Magento proides if you're using a sandbox account.

More info:


Others have mentioned different errors as well. You should look into those. They will make great debugging practice!