Auto-Generated Sitemap.xml in Magento 1.9.2 – Setup Guide


I have a problem with the auto-generation of my sitemap. I did everything I have written below.

  1. I created a sitemap through Admin > Catalog > Google Sitemap option
  2. I made the auto-generation setup Admin > System > Configuration > Catalog > Google Sitemap > Generation Settings
  3. I added crontab a cron job for (This cron job runs every hour / I have evidence that it works)

But the auto-generation still does not work! Is there any log files I can check? I don't know what's missing!

Best Answer

Try using n98 to view the cron history and confirm its not being missed , you can also use it to run the manually and confirm it works -

And change the to run every minute or at least every 5.

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