Magento – Automatically Refresh Cache


I would like to refresh all cache at specified intervals, like once a day at midnight (as an example). How can I accomplish this?

I'm using CE 1.9.1.

Best Answer

If in your magento system,magento cron jobs are working properly then you define a cronjob which fire on midnight and clear cache.

        <clean_cache_midnight><!-- identifier -->
                 <cron_expr>0 0 * * *</cron_expr> <!-- run cronjob on midnight -->

And class is

class [ModuleNameSpace]_[ModuleName]_Model_Mycron
    public function functionName(){

     * Flush all magento cache

Full module:

create config.xml at app/code/community/Amit/Cleancache/etc/

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
            <clean_cache_midnight><!-- identifier -->
                     <cron_expr>0 0 * * *</cron_expr> <!-- running cronjob on midnight -->

File2: create Fire.php at app/code/community/Amit/Cleancache/Model/


class Amit_Cleancache_Model_Fire
    public function fireCacheonMidnight(){

     * Flush all magento cache

File3: module config file Amit_Cleancache.xml at app/etc/modules/

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>