Magento 2 – Automatically Use Default Value for Category/Product Changes


Working on a pretty complex multi-store setup now, and I'm trying to find a way to set all fields as being checked to "Use Default" by default so that a product name change (or etc) wouldn't have to be done at every scope level.

Is there a way to set this up so that everything inherits by default, or a good (and safe) automated way to go through and set this for each field?

Edit: for specificity's sake, let's hone in on one field: "Category Name". How can I set this field to "Use Default Value" on every category, for every store view?

Best Answer

This answer applied to my question as well:

All store views had the same copy of category name (from a migration), rather than it being inherited from the default view. So I just needed to delete this data.

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