Magento 1.9 – Base URL in CMS Page Layout Update XML


Right Now I'm facing issue to set base url in magento CMS page layout. Right now I'm doing like this,but I am not getting base url :

<action method="addCrumb">
        <link> {{store url}} </link>

Best Answer

You are probably using the wrong reference. Only the Mage_Page_Block_Html_Breadcrumbs class has theaddCrumb method. Example:

<reference name="breadcrumbs">
    <action method="addCrumb">
    <action method="addCrumb">
        <crumbName>CMS Page</crumbName>
            <label>CMS Label Page</label>
            <title>CMS Title Page</title>


To get dinamic info to new crumb added, rewrite Mage_Page_Block_Html_Breadcrumbs. The crumbs are storage into array like this:

 * Array of breadcrumbs
 * array(
 *  [$index] => array(
 *         ['label']
 *         ['title']
 *         ['link']
 *         ['first']
 *         ['last']
 *     )
 * )
 * @var array

Creating the addCrumbCms method:

function addCrumbCms($crumbName, $crumbInfo, $after = false)
    $crumbInfo['link'] = Mage::getUrl() . Mage::getSingleton('cms/page')->getIdentifier();

    $this->_prepareArray($crumbInfo, array('label', 'title', 'link', 'first', 'last', 'readonly'));
    if ((!isset($this->_crumbs[$crumbName])) || (!$this->_crumbs[$crumbName]['readonly'])) {
       $this->_crumbs[$crumbName] = $crumbInfo;
    return $this;

And use the new method in last crumb, like it:

<reference name="breadcrumbs">
    <action method="addCrumb">
    <action method="addCrumbCms">
        <crumbName>CMS Page</crumbName>
            <label>CMS Label Page</label>
            <title>CMS Title Page</title>

Note: Create a extension to do it, don't change the core.

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