Magento – Best way to upgrade Magento from 1.4.2 to 1.9


Ok, I've got a site running on Magento 1.4.2 and need to upgrade it to 1.9.

For what I've read online an upgrade doesn't seen a good option, so I'm trying ways to migrate the data. I've tried export customers, products, stock and weight into a new Magento instal (1.9) but that doesn't seem to work.

Can anyone suggest the best approach to migrate the data (orders, customers, etc)?

I'd rather not import the database as someone pointed out on another question that would be best get the whole new site on a new db engine rather than mess around with an old one.

Best Answer

You can do a direct upgrade, you do not have to do an incremental upgrade

Here is the procedure:

Backup your database from your current 1.4 site.


mysqldump -u<user> -p -h<host> database > yourdumpfile.sql

Now restore your file to a NEW database

mysql -u<user> -p -h<host> new-db < yourdumpfile.sql

Now point your fresh version of Magento CE 1.9 at your NEW db and it will upgrade you to that version.

Depending on your file size it should not take more than 5-40 minutes. (This is dependant on the amount of orders you have.

Clear your log tables before you do your upgrade.

Now all your data is in the new version of Magento!

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