Magento – Billing address not being saved to quote


I have a problem with Onepage checkout not saving customer billing address to the quote.

When I add a new address then refresh the page the address is removed. If I var_dump the current checkout/session I get a completely different address from the one I just entered.

Also, if I try to resubmit the same address from the same billing address form I get an error in the console

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'collectSummaryDataForm' of undefined

Which is this line:


Has anyone had issues with customer billing address not being saved to quote could offer some insight on how to resolve please?

Best Answer

You need to check below code in your checkout template file i.e billing.phtml getAddress()->getId() ?>" id="billing:address_id" />

Then checked the saveBilling method in your onepage checkout controller for $customerAddressId = $this->getRequest()->getPost('billing_address_id', false);

make false to true and check.

Remeber you need to override the controller for this method. Do not modify core controller.