Magento 2 – bin/magento setup:upgrade Not Running


I am facing a long lasting issue on this command

  • bin/magento setup:upgrade

I have made an extension hello world on magento2 stable version, which will simply print hello world on screen.

The thing is when I ran that….it gave me setup version, not specified error (though I have specified)…then I searched & ran this command –

bin/magento setup:upgrade

When I ran above command then I met with another error….pdo_mysql is not installed….

Then I solved that error with the following commands:
sudo apt-get install php5-mysql
sudo apt-get install pdo-mysql

then by doing php -m I could see the pdo_mysql in extensions list 🙂

But then as ran that command (bin/magento setup:upgrade) again….I got another error (very frustrated). Please check the attachment.

For solving that error I referred this one….

I typed this: sudo find / -type s
so I got the list in that one of the line is like this……

now in that article, it says……"Once you find where the socket is being opened, add or edit the line to your /etc/my.cnf file with the path to the socket file"………so I opened /etc/my.cnf but….I found that the line is already there…..socket = /opt/lampp/var/mysql/mysql.sock

Then it says to run this : kill -9 4969 or pkill -9 mysqld but I did not run…I am afraid it can cause damage to xampp…

Then it says….."After you do this you might want to look for a pid file in /var/run/mysqld/ and delete it" but the thing is I can not find mysqld folder inside var/run/ so I am confused what to do now….

Many times I restarted xampp by first stopping apache like this:
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 stop

But could not resolve the issue…

Can anyone please give the correct solution?

Magento 2 becomes a big problem running in Ubuntu for me 🙂

enter image description here

Best Answer

search mysqld.sock you can search it using command : find -name "mysqld.sock" then right click on it and copy link then paste it under /var/run/mysqld/ and rename it to mysqld.sock if there is no directory name "mysqld" in /var/run/ then create it

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