PHP SoapClient Blank Filters – WSI-Compliant API Calls


I'm working on a project where we need to extend Magento's SOAP Api–we want to add a method for an existing .NET application using WSI-compliance mode. I don't have access to this .NET application, so I'm trying to use PHP to make WSI-compliant calls into Magento, and I'm having some trouble with PHP's SoapClient. I can't seem to get a populated filters array through.

Specifically, I have a small test program that looks like this

$api = new SoapClient(
$result = $api->login([
$session = $result->result;

$request = [
    'sessionId' =>$session,
    'filters'   => [

$result = $api->salesOrderList($request);


The program is able to successfully fetch a session id from the server. It's also able to successfully make a salesOrderList call into the server. However, the program is not able to successfully send a filters array through. That is, the __getLastRequest function above returns

<env:Envelope xmlns:env="" xmlns:ns1="urn:Magento">
            <filters />

Does anyone know

  1. If it's possible, using the V2 SOAP Api with the WSI-Compliant WSDL, to get a filters array through in a SoapClient call.

  2. If not, does anyone know the proper format for the <filters/> XML of a SOAP request so I can modify it in a __doRequest method override.

  3. Alternately, is there a composer package that supports the more modern WSI-compliant WSDL? i.e. an alternate SoapClient.

Best Answer

Thanks to the help of SoapUI, I found the following request format would work using PHP SoapClient:

   $request = [ 
        'sessionId' => $session,
        'filters'   => [
          'filter' => [
              'key'   => 'status',
              'value' => 'pending'

XML Request:

<env:Envelope xmlns:env="" xmlns:ns1="urn:Magento">
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