Magento – Block RSS feed on 1.7 magento


I followed Magento instruction and added the following rule in the root .htaccess file (inside IfModule mod_rewrite.c>):
RewriteRule ^(index.php/?)?rss/ – [L,R=403]

I still can access RSS request page: /index.phprss/catalog/notifystock

Any idea how to block RSS access on 1.7 magento?

I found on the website

"Because the RSS endpoint is reachable under various locations, it is generally not possible to filter RSS when using Apache (without using mod_rewrite). It is recommended to upgrade to at least version 1.9.3 and disable RSS in the backend."

Best Answer

If possible, I would recommend just disabling the Mage_Rss module. See Marius' answer on this question for an example of how to disable core modules.

Zookal has done some research on what modules can be disabled without problems. Of course, if they are not being used. Mage_Rss is on their list of safe modules to disable (see list at the bottom of the page).

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