Magento 2.2.4 Breadcrumbs Not Working on Product Page – Fix Guide


After to Magento 2.2.4 breadcrumbs are not working anymore on the product page.
It seems like it works on other pages, tho.

in cms_index_index.xml I have removed breadcrumbs beacuse we dont want them visible on the homepage. However, for other pages the breadcrumb should be there. It is, for example on the category page, Contact Page and so on.

Just not on the product page. What could be the reason to that and how to fix it?

Best Answer

Breadcrumbs within 2.2.4 have changed dramatically is seems. Default navigation is needed now so modules for a Megamenu messed my Breadcrumbs up and switching back to default navigation fixed them for me. If however you want my alternative to breadcrumbs which change how the breadcrumbs work on product pages see below answer:

Magento 2.2.4 - Breadcrumbs do not show on product pages when default navigation is not present

This does create a breadcrumb trail when searching for products or if you have a warm up script so breadcrumbs are always present rather than normally where they can get cached without a trail.

This is based on my module here I haven't thoroughly tested it however have just updated it for 2.2.4 based on my answer so please let me know of any issues:

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