Magento – Bug in products export – Magento 1.9.2


I have a problem with exporting all products in magento

I want to export sku, name, price and manufacturer. It's okay but i have several lines for an unique sku.

The first line shows the correct name, the correct price and the correct manufacturer and the second line shows only the sku.

I guess it's because of the images.

If i have 3 images for a product, i have the correct line + two blank lines
If i have 5 images for a product, i have the correct line + four blaank lines.

Do you have an idea why ? We need a good file in order to re-import it.



9084709010(sku) GoodName GoodPrice Good manufacturer

And the number of blank lines with only sku is the same as the number of pictures

Best Answer

The blank lines should reflect if there's multiple values. In my memory, that was different before but should not be a problem.

Use the AutoFilter option in excel an filter a value what has every product on one line only. If you set the filter to "not empty" it should give you a csv with only the important lines. Copy & Paste that into a new file, modifiy data and upload again.

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