Bulk Import of Product Images in Magento Community 1.8


I have been working on setting up a new magento store and have found problems when bulk importing images through a csv file. I have set up the dataflow profile for importing images. The products have been importing fine but the images were first giving a ""sku" is not defined error" which was easily fixed but now they are repeatedly giving the two errors "Image does not exist." and "Skip import row, is not valid value "" for field "type"".
Image Errors
Image CSV file layout

I need to add multiple images for each product I have currently been doing this by just adding a new line with the SKU and image path but as no images are uploading I don't know whether this is the correct way to go about it?

Any help would be appreciated.

Best Answer

you cannot import multiple images using the standard magento dataflow.

You can use magmi tool.

This is a free tool that is very very fast and also allow you to import the catalog media library

You can find this tool from here

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