Magento – Bulk price updates in Magento ver.


I'm looking to do a mass price update, not by a set percentage and wondered what the easiest way to achieve this is.
obviously without possible data entry on csv file and re import.

Best Answer

For editing product prices through an external .csv file please do the following:

Open the Magento admin panel

Go to “System > Import/Export > Profiles”

  1. Use the “Add New Profile” button

  2. Let’s create a new export profile

  3. There is no need to export all product details. Let’s export only the product SKU and price fields.
  4. Save the changes
  5. Then use the “Run Profile” button
  6. Now the .csv file with exported data is stored in the “var > export” folder on your server
  7. Download the file and open it with Dreamweaver or Microsoft Excel. You will see the products’ SKU and prices that you can change
  8. After you changed the file, you need to import it back. To do this, you need to create a new import profile

  9. Save the changes and run the profile.

That's it.