Magento – Bundle products not saleable when all associated products are out of stock


By default Magento indicates a bundled product out of stock if none of the associated products are in stock. Is there a way to change that behaviour?

I'm not using any isSaleable() conditionals, so that can't be the cause.

I'm getting the bundle products via product_collection model like this:

$products = Mage::getResourceModel('catalog/product_collection')
->addIdFilter($child_prods[0], false);
#->addAttributeToFilter('status', Mage_Catalog_Model_Product_Status::STATUS_ENABLED);


where $child_prods[0] is a list of product IDs of bundle products.

I tried changing the isSalable() method in /app/code/core/Mage/Bundle/Model/Product/Type.php to return always true, but the change didn't take effect. Any ideas?

Best Answer

Changing core methods might not be the best way to go about. I would suggest accepting backorders on the simple products making up the bundled product or turning off stock all together. Both settings can be found under System > Configuration > Catalog > Stock > Settings product stock

This way your bundled product will always be 'in stock' without having to change the core.