Magento 1 – Call Action After Save Config Clicked in Admin


How can I call an action of my controller in a custom module after "Save Config" was clicked in System –> Configuration –> Catalog? (image)

Settings of my module are inside that section, and I need to fire my action just after configuration was saved. I need to call the action only in that section of the admin panel – if "Save Config" was clicked in a different section of the admin, the action don't need to be called.


Action has to check if saved settings of the module are correct, and do some other calculations every time the configuration is saved.


I tried solution posted by Fabian Blechschmidt. Observer is working after "Save Config" was clicked (I see text in log file):




class My_Module_Model_Observer
    public function handle_adminSystemConfigChangedSection()
        Mage::log('Test: oberver is working!');

        //I tried this but it doesn't actually trigger the action:
        $url = Mage::getUrl('myrouter/adminhtml_test/validate');

But now I'm stuck.

I don't know how to trigger action method inside that observer. Controller looks like this and it works fine:




class My_Module_Adminhtml_TestController extends Mage_Adminhtml_Controller_Action
    public function validateAction()
        //validate config settings here


Event-observer solution works fine, so I created separate question about redirecting to actions:
Redirect to module/controller/action

Best Answer

What exactly is your problem? Your path:

  1. Register an observer, listen to admin_system_config_changed_section_{$section}, /app/code/core/Mage/Adminhtml/controllers/System/ConfigController.php:177
  2. do whatever you want