Magento – Call PHTML from another PHTML


I have a link in the top header, once user clicks on it, it will open a modal. I want the modal to contain the contents of customer account page where he can edit his password, etc. How do I call it using a method like

echo $this->getLayout()->createBlock('core/template')->setTemplate('test/test.phtml')->toHtml();


In short, customer account pages contain the list of items (My Wish list, Acount Information, Address Book, etc). I want to show in this modal only the content of Account Information which he will be able to update password, email, Avatar etc.

Best Answer

I don't recommend this method, better define your modal in your layout.xml and then include it via:

<div class="modal">
    <?php echo $this->getChildHtml('modal'); ?>

Layout.xml should look something like this:

    <reference name="">
        <block type="customer/form_edit" name="modal" template="customer/form/edit.phtml"/>

If you want it your way, it should look like this:

echo $this->getLayout()->createBlock('customer/form_edit')
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