Magento 1.9 – Call Static Block in Footer for Homepage Only


I want to call a static block after my footer and I want it to appear only on my homepage. Here below is my xml code as referred to This Question. But, it is loading the content above the footer when used after and not coming at all when used before.

    <reference name="content">
        <block type="cms/block" name="home_page_content"  before="footer">
          <action method="setBlockId"><home_page_content>home_page_content</home_page_content></action>

Best Answer

  • Open Home Page to edit.
  • In Custom Layout Update XML textarea, paste code like this:

<reference name="before_body_end"> <block type="cms/block" name="home_page_content"> <action method="setBlockId"> <home_page_content>test</home_page_content> </action> </block> </reference>

Remember to change block id from test to your own block identifier.

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