Magento – Can Dataflow Import Be Used to Update Products


I am really sorry for asking this. I feel like this is a stupid question, but honestly I have googled until the term googling has lost all meaning.

I just want to do a bulk update of product information, I do not want to add or import new products, just update the information for existing products. But all I seem to be able to find on google is articles referring to importing products into Magento. Perhaps my google-fu is failing me, and if this is the case I apologize, but I would be grateful if someone can just answer this really simple question.

I have a CSV file with updated product information.

I want to use this file to update the existing products in Magento 1.9.x.

Can this be done with importing?

Or will I have to build a script that reads the CSV file and manually updates each product?

Best Answer

Here's the steps I follow when running updates through Dataflow:

  • Export all products via 'Export All Products' Dataflow profile. System -> Import/Export -> Dataflow - Profiles -> 'Export All Products' -> Run Profile -> Run Profile in Popup
  • Edit the exported file, updating the information you require (The exported file location by default is 'var/export/' from your magento installation directory) and save.
  • Locate the 'Import All Products' data profile (same location as Export all products).
  • View the 'Upload file' tab, upload your new CSV containing updated information and hit 'Save and continue edit'.
  • Then Select file from 'Run profile Tab' and Run profile in Popup.
  • Enjoy the incredibly slow import!

These are the steps i have followed many times so i'm confident they will work for you.

Let me know if you would like me to make the steps above more in-depth.

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