Magento – Cancel non invoiced order item without cancelling order


We have allowed an offline payment method on our store, where the customer pays for the item once its been shipped and reaches them.

The test case scenario that I am facing issues with is as follows:

  1. Customer orders for 3 items with 1 quantity each.

  2. When we process this order for shipping, we find that the 1st item can be shipped right away, the 2nd item has to be cancelled as per the customer's request and the 3rd item might take a week to procure.

  3. With Magento, I've noticed that if we're sure that the last two items are not going to be shipped, we can invoice and ship only the 1st item and when we click on the 'Cancel Order' button, it cancels the non invoiced items. But in this case, the 2nd item should be cancelled right now while the 3rd item will be shipped only after a week.

Is there a way to cancel the 2nd item without cancelling the order?

Best Answer

All you need to do is, invoice and ship only the item that the customer needs. Once that is done, you need to cancel the order. It will turn the order status to complete and mentioning the other items are cancelled. Please check the attached

enter image description here