Magento – Cannot access Admin Panel


OK, so I've copied a Magento 1.9 site over to a new server. I followed the answers to this to get my site working (instead of it redirecting to the old one).

My problem now is that I can't access the admin panel. Every time I do, I get the following message:

Not Found

The requested URL /admin was not found on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

This makes me think there is something else I need to get working.

Best Answer

Most probably, mod_rewrite is not enabled on your server.
Enable it and it should work.
If you cannot do that you can try to access the admin via this url index.php/admin/.
Then go to System->configuration->web->Search Engines Optimization and set the field "Use Web Server Rewrites" to "No".
The downside is that all your urls will have index.php in them as the one above.

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