Magento – Cannot delete products from admin


When i delete products from admin it give error message

SQLSTATE[22003]: Numeric value out of range: 1690 BIGINT UNSIGNED value is out of range in '(`ponicosmetics`.`tag_summary`.`products` - 1)'

query was:

UPDATE `tag_summary` SET `products` = products - 1 WHERE (tag_id IN ('7', '8', '30', '60', '61', '65', '86', '87', '88', '210'))


I already follow following steps:

  • Go into your database using PhpMyAdmin.
  • Do a backup (always a good practice to back-up first).
  • Select the Magento database you’re using.
  • Select table sales_flat_quote (on second page).
  • Select structure tab
  • Select ‘change‘ on row called ‘items_count‘
  • Go to the drop-down on the column named ‘Attributes‘ and change value to the very top value which is blank ‘(no value)‘, as opposed to the default selection ‘UNSIGNED‘ .
  • Click save, and you’re good to go!

But this error "SQLSTATE[22003]:

Numeric value out of range: 1690 BIGINT UNSIGNED value is out of range in '(`ponicosmetics`.`tag_summary`.`products` - 1)', query was: UPDATE `tag_summary` SET `products` = products - 1 WHERE (tag_id IN ('7', '8', '30', '60', '61', '65', '86', '87', '88', '210')) "

has comes .
Please suggest me any solution.

Best Answer

The message says, that the column is still UNSIGNED. The steps that you followed have changed the items_count column, but actually the problem is in the products column.

But this would only be a workaround to allow negative numbers in the column. A negative product count does not make sense, so the root problem is that your data in tag_summary index is inconsistent.

You should reindex the Tag Aggregation Data index and try again.

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