Magento – Cannot proceed to checkout from cart after installing 1.8


i have recently upgraded to magento 1.8.1 and since that point if i have my SSL enabled on the front end my customers cant proceed to the checkout from the cart. When the button is clicked the cart just gets reloaded.

After doing some research some people said it was suhosin php causing the problem. Well i had that disabled by my hosting providers, cleared store and browser cache etc but yet the problem stilll persists.

has anyone else had this problem?

If so how did you solve it?



When i enter the site using https:// and SSL is turned ON in front end, i can proceed to checkout fine from the cart.

When i enter the site from http:// and SSL is turned OFF i can proceed to checkout fine from the cart.

The problem is occurring when i enter the site via http:// and have SSL turned ON in front end. SO it seems that data isn't being transferred from http and https:// or something

Best Answer

I can explain you that.

When SSL is turned ON magento thinks that your site is available only from https(and this is logically). So if customer click to "Checkout" button on http site it redirects you to https checkout page but browser permission does not allow to access http domain cookies data from https domain. The only way to fix that configure your server to redirect customer to https domain when he tries to access http one.

Hope that will help you.

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