Magento 1.9 – Cannot Remove Telephone and Region/Province from Billing Information on Checkout


I am trying to remove the telephone and state/province field as a required field in my checkout.

I have already successfully removed it from the shipping section, and I tried to remove it the following way:

1.) I have removed the class="required" and the * from the following files


Like I mentioned above the shipping one works fine but the billing not.
When template hints are on it does not mention a different template.

2.) I have copied the Abstract.php core class




And removed the validation there.

3.) I have set the field in the database to not required.

However in the billing section when I checkout, the telephone field and province field are still required and the "*" is also still coming up.

Am I missing something obvious?

Best Answer

if the * is still coming up you obviously edited the wrong phtml file, for starters turn on template paths and get the right phtml file to edit

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