Magento – Cannot see any blocks in Magento2


Magento version – Community Edition 2.1.1

Machine – AWS EC2

OS – Ubuntu – 14.04

Php – 5.6

MySql – 5.6

Theme – Default Luma

I have installed magento 2 without sample data.
Everything is working smoothly but I could not see any blocks under this tab.

Admin Login -> Content -> Blocks

It shows ' We could not found any records'

Is this the expected behaviour ? How can I add default blocks?

I have already explored this , but this is not exactly I am looking for.

Even my database cms-block table is empty.

I am new to magento2 and really stuck here.
Any help is really appreciated.

Best Answer

Yes this is expected behaviour.

Your blocks may depend on your theme.

For example if you purchase theme you may see more blocks.

Go ahead and create a block. This block can be imported using widgets in your pages(Home page for example) or even block inside another block.
