Magento 2 Orders – Can’t Change Magento 2 Orders to Complete


I have captured a payment for orders and created an invoice and a shipment but I don't see the complete option in the order status dropdown which I believe that is where I change the order to complete.

enter image description here

Am I doing something wrong? I don't see any errors in the exception log but I can't figure out how to get my orders changed to completed

UPDATE: This is the invoice that I created for this order

enter image description here

This is the shipment that I created for this order

enter image description here

Best Answer

Order have total 3 states.

1) Pending

2) Processing

3) Complete

When customer place any order by default its status is Pending.

When you Ship that order its status is Processing

When you generate INVOICE of that order its status is automatically complete.

After that you can see COMPLETE in order admin grid . also when you click on that you will see status in dropdown as complete

You don't need to do it manually.

If you complete all the steps like shippment(processing), invoice(complete) then its automatically shows status as complete.