Magento 1.7 Patch – Can’t Edit Product After Installing Patch SUPEE-8788


After installation Patch SUPEE-8788 in my Magento I have an error when I try to edit the product:

Fatal error: Call to a member function getUploaderConfig() on a non-object in /var/www/html/app/code/core/Mage/Adminhtml/Block/Catalog/Product/Helper/Form/Gallery/Content.php on line 56

Best Answer

Fixed - Image Upload issue after PATCH 8788 install of Magento version CE -

I was able to fix it,Please Follow following instruction.

Step >> 1: After installed security patch 8788 successfully, Please go to admin panel and flush all Magento cache. Then Logout your Admin Panel and Relogin to Admin Panel.

Step >> 2: Go to Index Management and select all reindex all data after flush all Magento cache once again.

Step >> 3: This very Important step, Delete your browser cache(Ctrl+shift+Delete) history clear all browsing data from browser including cookies.

Step >> 4: Go to Catalog >> Product Management , add new image of any product,now you can see everything work fine.

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