Magento – Can’t find customer attribute source model


I have a module:


class NAME_CustomField_Model_SelectType
  public function toOptionArray()
    return array(
      array('value' => '1', 'label' => '1'),
      array('value' => '2', 'label' => '2'),
      array('value' => '3', 'label' => '3'),

in my etc/config.xml I have:


Now, if I set in the DB (table: eav_attribute) source_model to: customfield/selectType it gives an error: Source model "customfield/selectType" not found.

I've moved my file to: "code/core/Mage/Customer/Model/Customer/Attribute/Source" (for testing ofcourse) and changed the resource model to: customer/customer_attribute_source_selecttype
This works, so I think there is something in my /etc/*.xml that is wrong, but I can't seem to find what it would be… :-S

Best Answer

Your XML looks correct — although if Magento's loading the class from the Mage namespace that may be because your XML hasn't been loaded into the global configuration tree (cached XML, incorrect app/etc/modules file).

Your best bet is to debug things at the point where Magento looks into the configuration for your new class name

#File: app/code/core/Mage/Core/Model/Config.php
public function getGroupedClassName($groupType, $classId, $groupRootNode=null)
    $config = $this->_xml->global->{$groupType.'s'}->{$group};
    $className = null;
    if (isset($config->rewrite->$class)) {
        $className = (string)$config->rewrite->$class;
    } else {

Figure out why Magento can't find your base classname in the XML configuration, and you'll have your problem solved.