Magento – Can’t get cron to work


I try to set up cron to generate my site map.

I defined the google sitemap in catalog > google sitemap.
I also defined the system > configuration > catalog > google sitemap generation to every day

I then configured cron in system > configuration > system > cron as follow :

enter image description here

As no update are made on my sitemap files, I implemented the following php
php cron job monitor

But no tasks are displayed….

Furthermore, when I do a crontab -l I have i got an error saying "No crontab for user"

Could you help me on that please?

Best Answer

It looks like you need to setup the crontab for the user on your server.

Magento provides some generic instructions on how to do this.

Basically you should add the following lines to your crontab file.

*/5 * * * *  /bin/sh /path/to/your/magento/