Can’t Get Value from Attribute ‘eancode’


I want to export some orders from Magento 1.7, but I'm stuck on 1 thing. I have an attribute in Magento, named 'eancode'. I want to put the eancode from every product in the export, but it shows a blank field. I checked that the attribute contains some numbers for the exported products.

In csv.php I have:

 * Returns the item specific values.
 * @param Mage_Sales_Model_Order_Item $item The item to get values from
 * @param Mage_Sales_Model_Order $order The order the item belongs to
 * @return Array The array containing the item specific values
protected function getOrderItemValues($item, $order, $itemInc=1) 
    return array(


In abstractcsv.php I have:

 * EAN code output
 * @param Mage_Sales_Model_Order_Item $item The item to return info from
 * @return String The ean
protected function geteancode($item)
$eancode = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($item->getProduct()->getId())->geteancode();
return $item->geteancode();

Can you see what's going wrong? I've been troubleshooting and Googling for hours now, but I can't find the problem.

Thank you!

Best Answer

I can see two issues with your code:

  1. Even though you may have named the attribute in lower case, you will still need to refer to it in your get method using CamelCase, for example:

    $eancode = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($item->getProduct()->getId())->geteancode();
  2. In the first line of protected function geteancode($item) function, you retrieve the ean value, and then you return the geteancode() function again on the following line which would return an empty String.

Your method should read:

  protected function geteancode($item)
     return Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($item->getProduct()->getId())->getEancode();
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