Can’t Import Data into Magento 2.1 – Troubleshooting Guide


I've got two test products to import. One is exported from Magento and can be imported without issues.
The other one appears to be almost identical but has been manually created.

I can't figure out what's the problem there.

"Test4No",,"Default","simple",,"base","Test4NoImport",,,,1,"Taxable Goods","Catalog, Search","695.0000",,,,"test4-no-import","Test4NoImport","Test4NoImport","Test4NoImport",,,,,,,,,,,,,"Block after Info Column",,,,"Use config",,,,,,,," ","sw_featured=No",,"0.0000",1,0,0,1,"1.0000",1,"10000.0000",1,1,"1.0000",1,0,1,1,"1.0000",1,0,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
"Test4",,"Default","simple",,"base","Test4Import",,,,1,"Taxable Goods","Catalog, Search","19.0000",,,,"test4","Test4","Test4","Test4",,,,,,,,,,,,,"Block after Info Column",,,,"Use config",,,,,,,,,"sw_featured=No",,"0.0000",1,0,0,1,"1.0000",1,"10000.0000",1,1,"1.0000",1,0,1,1,"1.0000",1,0,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

That csv won't import, wihtout line 2 it's working nice.

The error is always:

General system exception happened
Additional data: Notice: Undefined index: in /var/www/html/app/code/Magento/CatalogImportExport/Model/Import/Product/Type/AbstractType.php on line 496

Saved via LibreOffice, tried UTF8-BOM, UTF8.
I hope someone is able to spot the issue!?
Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

After searching for 2 days I finally found the answer. country_of_manufacture contained a space. Once set to nothing, it worked finally ... very difficult to find mistaked where one can't see them but now it seems to be so silly :-S

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