Magento 1.9 Admin – Missing Product Images and Upload Options


I can see all product images at the store level, but can NOT see any images in the admin area! Furthermore when I create a new product under admin, the "Browse Files…" and "Upload Files…" buttons are also missing.

I checked the var/log/system.log and see the following error each time i go to view the image tab:

2016-08-19T13:38:08+00:00 CRIT (2): Not valid template file:adminhtml/base/default/template/media/uploader.phtml

Could this be a file/folder permission issue?

Has anyone seen this issue?

Missing "Browse Files…" and "Upload Files…" buttons
enter image description here

This is what I see!
It's missing "Browse Files…", "Upload Files…" buttons and none of the images are showing up.
enter image description here

NOTE: New Discovery
Looking at the error log, I realized folder media/ and files media/editor.phtml and media/uploader.phtml do not exist! So I got them from the original Magento 1.9.1. and placed them under /app/design/adminhtml/default/default/template/.

The images showed up, But I am still missing the the "Browse Files…" and "Upload Files…" buttons.

Now I am trying to figure which files or folders are missing, to bring that functionality back.

Solved the disappearance of the buttons issue also.
While searching I found this link and found out that I am also missing another folder and it's content. skin/adminhtml/default/default/media/ which contained the 3 files flex.swf, uploader.swf and uploaderSingle.swf. Once I copied this folder the buttons appeared.

Also pursuant to the above mentioned article media folder should exist in the following folders:


Best Answer

Please check flash player is installed in your browser or not. If not then install flash player.

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