Magento – Can’t Set Default Value for ‘Weight’ Attribute


I am new on these forums and with Magento and i have a question about an issue i have been having with the "weight" attribute.

I have looked on many forums but could not find the answer i am looking for so i'd like to try it here.

My question:

I wanted to set a default value for 2 of the attributes used when creating a product. This because we use a certain shipment manager that requires these values to be set for each product.

For one attribute, i could set it without a problem (custom's description) but when i tried it for the "weight" attribute (fill in 0.1 for example) and save the attribute, the value just shows an empty text field again.

So it will not set a default value for that attribute, it just sets it back to blank after saving.

I have tried many things (setting the scope, setting it to be required, it doesnt allow me to remove it from attribute sets either) but nothing helps.

What am i doing wrong and how can i set a default value for this?

Hope you can help me with this!

Best Answer

You can't update the default attributes in magento. If you want to change the default value of weight attribute then you can execute following query:

UPDATE `eav_attribute` SET `default_value` = '2' WHERE `eav_attribute`.`attribute_code`='weight';