Magento – CAPTCHA is not shown at Login/register form


I followed below steps to show captcha in login and registration form. But I can't see it.

  1. Login to backend
  2. Go to system > configuration > customers > customer configuration > CAPTCHA and select your website scope
  3. Enable CAPTCHA on frontend – Yes
  4. Select all forms into "Form" box
  5. In "Displaying Mode" box select "After number of attempts to login"
  6. Number of Unsuccessful Attempts to Login = 0
  7. Save Config
  8. Go to frontend and press "Log in" link

Is there any thing else left to enable captcha in login or registration form…

Best Answer

Sadly the RWD theme has been implemented without captcha. So you can customize theme. Follow these steps:

  1. Go Base theme/layout folder and copy the captcha.xml file code in your theme directory/layout/captcha.xml file in layout folder.
  2. Go Base theme/template and copy the captcha directory and paste in your theme/template folder.

Thus, your captcha code will be visible.