Magento – Cart empties itself very quickly


I have an issue that when someone puts an item in the shopping cart, the cart empties itself very quickly and erases everything they had in the cart. This needs to not happen, when a customer puts products into the cart, they need to stay in the cart for weeks at a time.
The longest an item stayed in my cart for was 1.5 days.
what can be the reason?
please advise.

I set up "Quote Lifetime (days)" to 7 at Admin->System->Config->Sales->Checkout->Shopping cart


Best Answer

In my experience the session expiration is tied to using filesystem sessions and PHP garbage collection. Try the following to test this out:

  • Switch your session storage to MySQL or to APC/Memcached/Redis (not a long term solution, to be sure, but for testing)

If it turns out this is the case, raise your gc (Garbage Collection) max lifetime value in htaccess, php.ini or in your index.php:

In my experience switching to PHP FPM also helped to alleviate these GC issues.